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Happiness Experts on Why Mind Wandering Can Be So Miserable
In the last 15 years, the science of mind wandering has become a popular topic of scholarly study, thanks in part to advances in brain imaging. It turns out that our brains are wily, wild things, and what they do when we're not paying attention has major implications for our happiness. In 2010, Matt Killingsworth, then a doctoral student at Harvard University, designed an iPhone app that pinged pe... posted on Jun 22 2019, 5,207 reads


Island of Plenty
Eva and her family live an isolated life on the remote island of Stra Dmun, in the middle of the North Atlantic Sea, with the occasional helicopter visit their only connection to the outside world. While they are geographically isolated, Eva states that she never feels lonely. Eight generations of her family have lived on this island, with children seeing first hand the full cycle of life all arou... posted on Jun 21 2019, 3,630 reads


The Soul of a Naturalist: An Interview with Sy Montgomery
Sy Montgomery is a bestselling author who has written 21 books for adults and children. Here she discusses her writing, her experiences, her book ‘The Soul of an Octopus,” and more. ... posted on Jun 20 2019, 2,457 reads


Happiness is Practice, Not Pleasure
Put aside your preconceptions of happiness and join Krista Tippett with French born Tibetan monk Matthieu Ricard, author of Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill. Ricard reframes happiness as not simply a pleasure or sensation to be experienced, but as a skill to be practiced and cultivated. He asks, "What are the inner conditions that foster a genuine sense of flourishing, ... posted on Jun 19 2019, 8,978 reads


Cultivating Courage in Young People
The youngest generations of our world are shaping the future. With extraordinary drive and determination, they are paving the way to a society in which their voices are heard and their opinions matter. This article explores how we can help them as they build on their strengths, develop resilience, and stand up for what they believe in. Tips include allowing them to embrace their failures and honor... posted on Jun 18 2019, 6,179 reads


How Conformity Can Be Good and Bad for Society
Conforming to the ideas or opinions of others is a loaded concept for many of us, resulting in some instinctual "not me, not ever" reactions. However, without some conformity, the dance where individuals create and evolve successful societies is impossible. Becoming a good dance partner means knowing how to match steps with those around you while at the same time staying in touch with your interna... posted on Jun 17 2019, 3,841 reads


Sleep is Your Superpower
Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature's best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep -- and the alarmingly bad things that happen when you don't, for both your brain and body. Walker shares the research on how quality of sleep impacts our immun... posted on Jun 16 2019, 25,492 reads


Deepening Our Comfort with Uncertainty
While many of us associate uncertainty with discomfort and fear, there is an exquisite beauty to be found in the transformation that takes place when we can welcome the unknown. Kristi Nelson, the Executive Director of A Network for Grateful Living, examines what it means to surrender to the unpredictable nature of our days and the rewards that manifest as a result. "Much of our freedom depends on... posted on Jun 15 2019, 0 reads


Lessons of Impermanence
"As a palliative care doctor, I spend much of my time face-to-face with pain and suffering, debilitating disease and death. When I began my training, I thought I was comfortable with the idea of mortality, and with the notion that fighting death at all costs wasn't the sole purpose of medicine. But I hadn't expected that the type of medicine I'd chosen to practice would require a strength and pers... posted on Jun 14 2019, 11,068 reads


The Power of Everyday Rituals
In a world often fraught with stress and disorder, the Balinese ritual of canang sari is a reminder of the sacred nature of all things and times. On Balinese street corners and in hallways, at the entry to shops and homes, these small baskets of flowers remind the giver and the passerby of how one can enter into what is essential in everyday life. Author Jay Griffith experienced the value of rit... posted on Jun 13 2019, 3,596 reads


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The ultimate source of happiness is not money and power, but warm-heartedness.
Dalai Lama

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